Outdoor Weatherproof 100 Ft Infrared Color Camera
From EverSecure

ir camera learning curve5
I had the camera set up in a short time, and began monitoring on my PC via video capture. I have a semi-retired time-lapse VCR that I plan to hook up for recording later. The first thing I learned was that having it mounted behind the glass of the garage door, it's great in daytime, but the glare at night renders it almost useless. Not a fault of the camera, rather the location. Aimed into the pitch dark garage with no light interference you can see everything clearly. Pretty awesome. I just need to come up with a way to view the driveway without all that glare. I may have to consider placing it out back to monitor owl activity if I'm unsuccessful out front. One question, should I place it in a housing or is it weatherproof as-is?

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